Building and Land Use Office: 860-376-3867
Building Inspector: Rick Martel rmartel@voluntown.gov
Zoning Enforcer: John Guszkowski, Planner@voluntown.gov
Building and Land Use Secretary & Fair Housing Officer: Taylor Lussier, tlussier@voluntown.gov
Wetlands Agent: Joseph R. Theroux, 860-248-7992, Joetheroux426@comcast.net Joe can meet with applicants by appointment to discuss the project and review the property for wetlands.
Sanitarian (UNCAS Health District): Donovan Moe, 860-823-1189 ext 113, dmoe@uncashd.org
Fire Marshall: Joseph Grenier, call the firehouse to schedule an appointment at 860-376-0475
The office is open:
- Monday – Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM
- Tuesday additional hours, 5 PM to 7 PM
Please email tlussier@voluntown.gov or call (860) 376 – 3867 to schedule an inspection.
R105.1 Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to move a lot line that will affect any existing building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.
R105.1.1 By whom application is made. Pursuant to Section 29-63 of the Connecticut General Statutes, application for a permit shall be made by the owner in fee or by an authorized agent. If the authorized agent is a contractor, such contractor shall follow the provisions of section 20- 338b of the Connecticut General Statutes. The applicant shall include the full names and addresses of the owner, agent and the responsible officers, if the owner or agent is a corporate body. No permit shall be issued to a contractor who is required to be registered pursuant to chapter 400 of the Connecticut General Statutes, for work to be performed by such contractor, unless the name, business address and Department of Consumer Protection registration number of such contractor is clearly marked on the application for permit, and the contractor has presented such contractor’s certificate of registration as a home improvement contractor.
B100a Application- Required for Additions, Decks, Garages, Sheds and Pools. Pursuant to Section 19-13-B100a of the Connecticut Public Health Codes, a Bl00a application is needed through UNCAS Health District if you have a septic system, and you are putting an addition on your home, installing an in-ground or above-ground pool, or building a deck, garage, or storage shed. This application and associated fees must be submitted to UNCAS Health District. The mailing and location address is on the application.
As required by the Connecticut Public Act 99-140, the owner or agent must sign this form to hereby swear and attest that a pool alarm will be installed upon receiving a pool permit: Swimming Pool Affidavit
When do I need a permit?
When a Permit is NOT Required for One and Two Family Residential Properties
When a Permit is NOT Required for Commercial and 3 or More Family Properties
When do I need an inspection?
The following activities need to be reviewed by the Wetlands Agent or the Inland Wetlands Commission BEFORE you begin a project
- New residential or commercial construction, (additions, garages outbuildings, sheds)
- Repair or expansion of septic systems
- Construction of driveways or access ways
- Gravel removal operations
- Drainage improvements, (swales, French drains, culverts)
- Pond construction, dredging, retaining wall construction/repair
- Forestry and logging
- Any other land disturbing activities
Online Permitting System Guidelines
For your convenience, effective November 2023, the Town of Voluntown has adopted new online permitting for the submittal of applications for residential building permits, electrical permits, plumbing and gas permits, mechanical permits, Demolition and Fire Protection permits.
Paper permit applications will no longer be accepted. If you do not own a computer or if you need assistance using a computer, both are available at Town Hall. A computer station terminal is located at the Town Hall. Assistance can be obtained in the office or by contacting the Building Department office during normal business hours.
You will have the option to pay online after the application has been submitted. Applicants can mail a check payable to: Town of Voluntown. You may also visit us with payment during our normal business hours. Any payments sent in without a copy of the necessary documents will not be accepted.
Before applying for a permit, you should review the Building Department information above to see what documentation is required. Please scan and attach supporting documentation with your completed application. If you do not have the ability to scan and upload, please send by mail or in person with a copy of your application. Provide as much information as you can on the form as incomplete applications may be rejected.
Filling Out a Permit Application (after you have logged onto the online permitting website).
- Select the appropriate permit application from the menu on the left.
- Select the location for the permit by entering any characters of column text in the white boxes under House # and/or Street to narrow your search.
- Choose the address by highlighting its row.
- Click the Next button above the Property List.
- Fill out the application fields to completion.
- Once you have filled out all text fields click Submit.
- This will prompt you to add attachments. Click ok if you want to add attachments.
- Once done adding your Attachments you will be prompted to make a payment.
Adding Attachments to Your Permit Application After Submit:
If you need to add attachments after closing a submitted application or want to check your status, go to My Documents at the top center of the Main Page. Select the Permit and click buttons to the left.
Enter PermitLink Here
Attachments required: Building Requirements
UNCAS Health District: Septic As-Builts/ Well Completion Reports
UNCAS Health District:Septic New/Renovation
UNCAS Health District: Demolition Requirements Form, DPH Demolition Notifications Form
Voluntown Zoning Regulations – 2024
Ordinances, Subdivision Regulations
Driveway & Driveway Apron Standards