Voluntown Superintendent Retirement and New Superintendent Search

Superintendent of Schools to Retire End of School Year

After 20 of working for the Voluntown Board of Education as the Superintendent of the Voluntown School District, Adam Burrows has given his notice of retirement effective June 30, 2025. Read Superintendent of Schools Burrows’ letter to the Voluntown Community, here: Superintendent Burrow’s Letter to Community Members

The Voluntown Board of Education accepted Mr. Burrows’ retirement, “with a heavy heart and the deepest respect”. Read the BOE retirement acceptance letter, here: BOE Retirement Acceptance Letter

The Search for a New Part-Time Superintendent Begins

Survey Link: Voluntown School District Superintendent Search Survey

Focus Group Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4381110381

PDF version of the above Invitation to Search Meetings and Survey